Secondary Patent Market Webinar
Our CEO Kent Richardson will be presenting on the secondary patent market for patents, how big is it, who is buying, who is selling, what is pricing and what are the changes of winning with bought patents.
IPBC Europe 2019
In the era of the fourth industrial revolution (4IR), European companies are faced with a number of exciting opportunities, but also significant IP challenges. At IAM’s IPBC Europe 2019 – taking place in Paris on 27 and 28 March – these issues and more will receive detailed consideration.
2019 Global IP Conference with Advanced PCT Training
Our CEO Kent Richardson will be presenting the latest insights from the secondary patent market at the 2019 edition SLW’s Global IP Conference. Contact us to find our more.
IPBC Global 2019
After 2018’s sell-out event in San Francisco, IPBC Global returns to the Westin Boston Waterfront from 16 to 18 June 2019.
IPBC Asia 2018 – Buying and Selling Masterclass
There are lots of patent portfolios on the market, and they are priced to sell. Asian companies are closely involved on both sides of the negotiating table.
IP Dealmakers Forum 2018 – Patent Market Overview
IP Market Roundup: Light at the End of the Tunnel?
Preview of ROI Annual IP Market Survey for 2018
Key IP Cases and Trends
Who’s Buying? Who’s Selling? Who’s Licensing? Why?
Are Valuations Starting to Go Up?
IP Dealmakers Forum 2018
The 5th Annual IP Dealmakers Forum will be held on November 6-8, 2018, in New York City. The forum will bring together a select group of 200 decision-makers at the forefront of the global IP market, including investors, top IP executives, industry experts and thought leaders.
CIP Forum – AI/ML Breakout
A brief–non-technical–introduction to artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) techniques is provided. This presentation served as the kick-off to a larger panel discussion of the role of AI and ML in intellectual property.
LOT Network Bridge
BRIDGE provides an exclusive opportunity for member companies from across the globe — industry leaders and innovative startups — to share ideas, learn from IP experts and build stronger networks that provide value to our member companies.
IPBC Global 2018
IPBC Global has cemented itself as the global gathering for the world’s IP business leaders since it was first held back in 2008. From June 10 to 12 2018, IPBC Global will enter its second decade when the world’s IP elite will assemble at the Palace Hotel, San Francisco for the 11th annual event.
Advanced Patent Law Institute 2017
This panel will discuss the current state of the secondary patent market, who’s buying, who’s selling, and at what price? It will look at what happens to patents after a sale, including the chance of winning on a bought patent. It will examine both standalone sales and the relatively invisible marketplace in which patents contribute significant value to a deal, including M&As, technology spinouts, JVs, tech-transfers, and exclusive field-of-use licenses.
Santa Clara Law High Tech Law Institute & Unified Patents
Patent Market 2016 – Importance of Aggregators to Manage Risk and Market Data
Patent market trends for 2016 and how do defensive aggregators play in that market to help manage patent risk.
LES Annual Meeting 2017
As thought leaders of the Industry, we are asked to navigate through an ever-changing environment. The LES 2017 Annual Meeting supports your professional development and will feature thought-provoking panel discussions about IP Litigation and Trade Secrets, as well as future-focused presentations including Global Commercialization, and game-changing networking opportunities.
IAM Webinar
In this collaboration with IAM, ROL Group looks into the likely trends of patents within the next five years. Our consensus? A stable market with a greater shift towards operating companies and smaller, faster patent transactions.
Silicon Valley Intellectual Property Law Association
In this collaboration with IAM, ROL Group looks into the likely trends of patents within the next five years. Our consensus? A stable market with a greater shift towards operating companies and smaller, faster patent transactions.
IPBC Korea
What is the current trend of the brokered patent market, and how can you as a buyer or seller exploit the current patent climate? We look into market pricing, litigation risks, NPE activity and more to help you decide your best patent options for 2015.
LES (USA & Canada) Silicon Valley Chapter
Review of current trends in the 2017 patent market, and who and what should you expect to see buying and selling IP. ROL Group delivers its answer based on our up-to-date analytics on the market.
Advanced Patent Law Institute
We identify the driving forces behind the patent market in 2016 We examine the current trends, pricing, and companies shaping the patent market for this year.
IPBC Global 2016
Widely regarded as the world’s pre-eminent conference focusing on IP value creation, the IPBC Global always attracts a sell-out crowd of leading corporate IP decision-makers, senior executives at NPE and aggregation firms, investors, intermediaries and private practice lawyers and attorneys.