Our Services
What We Do
The patent market is large and growing, but the access to information is highly limited.
Buyers, sellers and decision-makers find it difficult and costly to obtain information to support the development of data-driven strategies. With our proprietary database of $49 billion worth of patent deals, we provide the data and insights you need to make the right decisions.
Trusted by the Industry
CEOs, General Counsels, and IP strategists recognize our team as an authoritative source of patent market information. As Bloomberg’s official supplier of patent market data, our data provide the foundation for Bloomberg BNA's quarterly reporting on the development of the patent market.
Patent Market Data - Actionable Analytics
With our 30+ years of experience in patent transactions, we know what our customers need. Our foundation is patent market data. Our offering is actionable analytics.
Patent Buying Intelligence
A well-executed patent buying program can give your company the leverage needed to win tough negotiations or settle litigation, but buying the right patents is difficult and time-consuming. Simply finding patents that match your business needs can be complex and even risky.
Patent Selling Intelligence
Companies and individuals sell patents for a variety of reasons, but understanding the patent market is essential to develop a data-driven strategy for selling your patents.
Market Intelligence
Developing a data-driven patent strategy is key to creating value from your IP, but devising a strategy is easier said than done. IP managers and business leaders need to make decisions about how to best use their patent assets, how to seize opportunities in the market, and how to mitigate risk.
Patent Valuation
Need to know what the price of a bundle of patents is? Whether you are buying, selling, evaluating the price of assets in M&A, bankruptcy, or even looking for an internal transfer price, we have the experience and data to support a market price valuation.
ROI Real Prices
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