Our Data
The authoritative source of patent market information
Our database of patent market deals (packages available for sale) dates back to 2009, when we first began helping customers navigate the patent market. We now track $49 billion worth of deals and approximately 330,000 patent assets. Our deal database includes asking price data, sales dates, and seller and buyer identification. These are all features that help us provide our customers with actionable insights.
Total Deal Value
Number of Deals
Patent Assets Tracked
Transacted Deals
Our data is trusted by the industry. Bloomberg regularly uses our data to report on the development of the patent market. For Bloomberg, it was natural to choose Richardson Oliver as their provider. Customers have followed suit, and we now provide some of the largest companies in the US with reliable and actionable data on the patent market.
Over the years, we have worked directly with a network of over a hundred brokers and sellers to obtain information about patent packages that are available for sale. Our extensive NDAs facilitate trusted sharing of key information to us and our clients.
Selling patents? Submit your patents for free to buypatents@roipatents.com
Buyers regularly consult our database of available patents to find new deals.
If you're selling patents, submitting your packages to us is free and will get you additional visibility of your deals.