“Huawei, Intel Among Big Firms Selling Patents in June-Recorded Transactions.” Morris. IAM Media (July 2024)

Huawei, SK Telecom and Intel were big companies that sold patent assets in transactions recorded in June, while buyers like Adeia, Wilus and Hyundai also caught our attention.

IAM has partnered with Richardson Oliver Insights for a new monthly data column that highlights top buy-sell patent asset transactions recorded in the previous month. In this inaugural edition, we reveal two transactions that might bring patent litigation risk. But others relate to bankruptcies or business closings, companies selling business units and companies collaborating on product development projects.

Read the full story at IAM-Media.


The 2023 Brokered Patent Market


“As the Economy Closed Companies, Here's a Patent Monetisation Primer.” Richardson et. al. IAM Media (April 2024)